Sunday, May 17, 2020

Diversity Celebrated at St Joseph's College, Geelong

What a great image and message from St Joseph's College,Geelong, my  alma mater!!!  As a life member of the St Joseph's Old Collegians Association  and  gay #Catholic I am proud that "Joeys"now recognises and celebrates the diversity of its  community, past and present.

In our Year 12 class of 19790 this recognition was neither  spoken of nor encouraged. So in this 50th anniversary of my graduation from SJC  I will join the #SJCDiversityDay from Brisbane on Thursday.

From the Facebook page of the College:

This week, St Joseph's College will focus on the wonderful thing that is diversity!

Normally this would involve a week of activities culminating on Diversity Day, students will still be taking part with #SJCDiversityDay on this Thursday - only this year it will be in their homes all over Geelong!

May the walls that divide us to be torn down, and to build bridges of understanding and unity. #SJCGeelong ##idahobit2020🏳️‍🌈

My "Coming Out" Story

Newspaper interview with Tony Robertson